Self-Love: 31 Positive Affirmations for October

Ten months into this year of affirmations challenge and I can hand on heart say that this month's collection of daily positive affirmations for October are the biggest mix bag of all. These affirmations came to me here and there over the last few weeks. Sometimes during a short meditation session, other times when I was riding my bike around Amsterdam, or out on a run in this bright Autumn sunshine. A handful came only when I had to sit down and finish this list, because only a handful was necessary.

It may sound strange but this is not how I normally write my lists of positive affirmations. Typically, a few, maybe ten at most, will pop into my head over the course of a few weeks, but the majority I have to sit down at my computer and actively hunt for. Occasionally, it doesn't happen at once, so I need to do this twice, three times before I have a full list of thirty or thirty-one positive affirmations.

Daily Positive Affirmations for October

So, yes, I'm glad there was more ease in writing this list of affirmations for the month of October, but it does mean that they are a real varied mix of affirmations. As always, they are very much influenced by whatever is happening in my life, or in the lives of those closest to me, but also sometimes they do sort of slide into my mind out of nowhere and I don't really know what they relate to. All this is to say, don't think too much into each one, but rather grab hold of the ones that work best for you. Those are YOUR affirmations.

If you're completely new to affirmation, go find out what it is and why it works here and you can find all the other lists of affirmations I shared so far this year here: JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay, June, July, August and September via those links.

You can also read some of my lists of positive affirmations for specific situations or moods, like these 100 daily positive affirmations here50 positive affirmations for depressionaffirmations for anxiety100 healing affirmations, and why all writers should try affirmation. I also share near-daily affirmations on my Instagram pages: @asthebirdfliesblog & @writenowcards.

And now let's dive into the list of positive affirmations. Are you ready? Of course, you are.

  1. Small moments of peace have great value.
  2. Small steps are how long journeys are made.
  3. Autumn teaches me a great deal about the cycle of life.
  4. I embrace autumn as an opportunity to slow down, rest and release what doesn't serve me.
  5. Each day, I take time to look around me and appreciate nature in all its forms.
  6. I am loving to myself.
  7. I am gentle with myself.
  8. I am full of great ideas, huge potential and big, big love.
  9. My wild is nothing to be ashamed of.
  10. I cannot control other people's opinions of me.
  11. Hurting is always the beginning of healing.
  12. Love is patient and forgiving.
  13. Hope will forever live in my heart.
  14. It's never too late to prioritise my joy and my dreams.
  15. Words have power and impact, so I use them mindfully.
  16. I listen to my body with an open mind.
  17. Before I succumb to a strong negative narrative, I try re-framing to find a new perspective.
  18. Staying curious about my feelings, my thoughts and my behaviour is a gift to myself and others.
  19. I am proud of all I've done to get to where I am today.
  20. I am protective of my energy and focus.
  21. My creativity is limitless.
  22. Forgiving myself is the first step in asking others to forgive me.
  23. When I work through my shame, I release anger and resistance that could hurt others.
  24. All I have is the present moment. I am grateful for that.
  25. Friendship is true, true love.
  26. When I do things that scare me, I learn more about how to manage my fear.
  27. Being able to laugh at myself means more giggles and fun in my life!
  28. Watching someone I love heal and grow is an honour.
  29. Change is hard but ultimately what it means to be fully human.
  30. Feeling vulnerable is healthy and human; I find peace in the discomfort.
  31. I listen with my heart, to myself and to others.

You can find free download-friendly images of these affirmations over on my Ko-Fi page.

And if you'd like to save or share this positive affirmations you can do so with the images below. Thanks so much!

Frances M. Thompson

Londoner turned wanderer, Frankie is an author, freelance writer and blogger. Currently based in Amsterdam, Frankie was nomadic for two years before starting a family with her Australian partner. Frankie is the author of three short story collections, and is a freelance writer for travel and creative brands. In 2017, she launched WriteNOW Cards, affirmation cards for writers that help build a productive and positive writing practice. When not writing contemporary fiction, Frankie shops for vintage clothes, dances to 70s disco music and chases her two young sons around Amsterdam.
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.

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