Twenty-four little photos from Cape Town
I think this is easily one of my favourite Instagram collages yet. I love how true the colours are. For that deep, almost royal blue sky is the very same colour that was our backdrop almost every day. The sea was indeed that very shade of emerald and that astonishingly clear. And that dusty gold you see in the soil, that's exactly what it looked like in person.
I can't wait to share more photos and stories from Cape Town soon. In the meantime, read my first impressions, if you like.
Frances M. Thompson
Londoner turned wanderer, Frankie is an author, freelance writer and blogger. Currently based in Amsterdam, Frankie was nomadic for two years before starting a family with her Australian partner. Frankie is the author of three short story collections, and is a freelance writer for travel and creative brands. In 2017, she launched WriteNOW Cards, affirmation cards for writers that help build a productive and positive writing practice. When not writing contemporary fiction, Frankie shops for vintage clothes, dances to 70s disco music and chases her two young sons around Amsterdam.
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.