MusicMonday: Seems Fine by The Concretes
Sometimes all I want to do is tell my friends and loved ones that everything is going to be okay. It really will be.
As I was thinking about this, a song popped into my head from many, many years ago. I was a Masters student at the University of Leeds and working on the Uni radio station breakfast show and this song was one that week after week made the playlist. I loved it. When we played it on the show, we'd often cut in half way and start singing "Everlasting Love" by Love Affair. I'm sure you can hear why. I'm not sure if The Concretes are still going but they're yet another Swedish twee pop outfit that I love.
This song is for anyone who can't see that everything will be okay, because trust me it will. It will all seem fine one day...
In other news I'm writing this from London. I came home on Saturday for a long weekend celebrating a friend's birthday and engagement and am currently swimming in a pool of happiness at seeing my friends and family. It's a great irony that being away from those you love makes you miss them and appreciate their love more and more. That said, I'm looking forward to flying back to the Dam tomorrow to enjoy the last few weeks we have left in one of my favourite cities.
Here are last week's Instagrams, hover over the circles to find out why last week was so crafty, colourful and creative...
Frances M. Thompson
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.