Book Review: What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami
I must confess that the words of Japanese author Haruki Murakami and I have never met before until this trip and the case of a broken Kindle led me to raid the bookshelves of our hosts. I selected a number of books from a choice of inspirational reads, autobiographical accounts of huge achievements by huge achievers and brick thick history books; these are not unlikely reads for our hosts - a passionate history teacher and a sporty corporate high flyer. Murakami's memoirs about his relationship with running seemed a gentle way to ease my way in to these options seeing as I know a little bit about running and I have long wanted to get to know Mr Murakami better.
Here is my Short and Sweet Book Review of " What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.
What's it all about? Murakami offers an surprisingly enthralling and indepth insight into his relationship with long distance running, which begins as a way to lose weight but becomes a consuming but essential part of his personal and professional life for nearly three decades.
What's so good about it? Murakami is clearly very skilled when it comes to honest, simple and tenderly written prose and of all his books this one is rare insofar as he is the subject and the pain, personal struggles and triumphs he documents are his own.
Who, me? Not interested in running? Well, don't assume that this book isn't for you as the messages and inspiration I took away from it can be applied to any life challenge, problem or experience, but if you do run (or like me "think" you do) this book may just inspire you to commit a little bit more to it and its emotional and physical benefits.
P.S. I fear you will see more Murakami books on these pages as I am already part of the way through Norwegian Wood.
(Please note any links to Amazon are through my Amazon Associates account which means I make a little money (5%) from any purchases made from clicking through this link. Thank you please.)
Frances M. Thompson
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