Defying gravity doing the Edgewalk on the CN Tower,Toronto
Once upon a time there was a Bird who couldn't fly. She knew this well but didn't find it stopped her living a wonderful life full of flight. One day this Bird was told that she was going to go up the CN Tower and walk around it freely and without a fence. Birdie was scared but after a nervous giggling fit while the man put a special and unflattering outfit on her she started to become excited too. It was those fears and that excitement that saw Bird complete the walk around the CN Tower 356 metres above the ground.
Even though this experience confirmed that she is a Bird that will never be able to fly, it also reaffirmed that trust can get you a far in life... over a 1000 feet up to be exact.
Disclosure: Birdie went up 116 storeys and nearly stained her bright red outfit thanks to Tourism Toronto and the Canadian Tourist Commission. All opinions, swear words and decisions not to jump off were formed all by herself. A special thank you should also go to the two gentlemen I was sandwiched between who kept me smiling and laughing - thank you Adam and Corbin!

Frances M. Thompson
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