MusicMonday: Must Love Festivals Playlist
Howdy partners! We made it to another Monday!
I've had a busy but fun week having my socks blown off by the small but mighty island of Madeira before arriving here in Linz, Austria for NEXTCOMIC, a festival for comic art and illustrations. It's the first in a series of festivals I'm attending as part of a collaborative project I'm proud to be part of called Must Love Festivals.
Lots more information on the project to follow but in the meantime, enjoy some songs which have been the soundtrack of my best festival memories... I hope they are songs you'll love too.And here's one of my favourite recent photos from Madeira taken from my Instagram account, where I'm @bushbirdie. More to come very soon... Have a fantastic week!

Frances M. Thompson
Londoner turned wanderer, Frankie is an author, freelance writer and blogger. Currently based in Amsterdam, Frankie was nomadic for two years before starting a family with her Australian partner. Frankie is the author of three short story collections, and is a freelance writer for travel and creative brands. In 2017, she launched WriteNOW Cards, affirmation cards for writers that help build a productive and positive writing practice. When not writing contemporary fiction, Frankie shops for vintage clothes, dances to 70s disco music and chases her two young sons around Amsterdam.
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.