Book Review: The Abortionist's Daughter by Elizabeth Hyde
I've been meaning to do a couple of book reviews for the longest time. Because my need is such, but my time is not so much, I've decided to do short and sweet reviews for some of my favourite books. I will do this by answering the following three questions with just one sentence.
What's it all about?
What's so good about it?
Who, me?
I will start with The Abortionist's Daughter by US author Elisabeth Hyde. What's it all about? Outspoken abortion doctor Diana Duprey is found dead in her swimming pool having had recent run ins with a long list of people including her husband and daughter; who dunnit?
What's so good about it? A traumatic yet thrilling tale of adolescence, loss and suspicion well told with a simple yet dramatic narrative; there are twists, tragedy and tricky issues to debate both in the book and your own mind.
Who, me? You will like this if you like your Jodi Picoult or Anita Shreve with a double gin and tonic; the themes of family, relationships and contentious issues are there and are just as controversial but the plot and story telling feels more raw and harder to swallow.
It's important that you know that the links to Amazon are there because I am an Amazon Affiliate so if you do make a purchase a teeny weeny percentage will go my way.

Frances M. Thompson
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