Travel Inspiration -Travel with Purpose: Write About It
Yesterday morning, the day before I left to move to Amsterdam for a few months, my mother quoted a line from the book she's reading and I wanted to share it with you.
It happens to be one of her favourite novels and one I know she has re-read many times. Fortunes of War by Olivia Manning is the story of a British Council lecturer and his wife who are based in a Bucharest in Romania just before the outbreak of the Second World War. As a result of impending war across Europe they are forced to move on to Athens only to then be evacuated once more. It's a book I really must read not least for the travel but mainly because I'd like to discuss the story and writing with my Mum. (She often recommends books I feature for my Short and Sweet Book Reviews).This quote immediately got lodged stubbornly in my mind and in my soul. I've taken it with me to Amsterdam. For a number of reasons, I have been doubting my writing ability recently (I think every writer suffers this and must) and so being on the road again and having this quote to bounce around my brain, I am grateful for a new feeling of reinvigoration. I can't wait to get my laptop out on the Eurostar and type away.
See you on the other side...

Frances M. Thompson
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