The Next Adventure: Northern Norway
There is something a little poetic and beautiful about my final trip of 2013 being in the same direction of the first I made this year. In January this year I found myself in Finnish Lapland, having all my high expectations exceeded. And right now, as you read this I'm in Norway and heading north of the Arctic Circle about to spend five days as a Trainee Dog Musher on a very special trip with Magnetic North Travel.
My mission on this trip is to discover the beauty and joy of Friluftsliv - a Norwegian concept which translates as "fresh air life" but really . I will sleep in a tent in temperatures that rarely surface about 0 degrees celsius, I will feed, exercise and look after husky dogs that are bred to race, I will have no internet and almost no connection to the outside world.
Also, when I checked to see how much daylight we would have, Google told me that the sun would rise at 11.30am... on Wednesday 15th January! In other words, the sun will not rise the whole time I'm there but instead we'll enjoy a sort of twilight dusk for a few hours every day. I cannot fathom what this will be like.
Perhaps now you can understand why I'm calling it a mission?
And perhaps you can explain to me why I am so very, very, very excited to accept this mission.
I'll see you on the other side.

Frances M. Thompson
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