One photo a day in 2012: January
When I decided to take part in the 365 for 365 project as part of my 12 Travel Goals for 2012 I overlooked two important things.
1. There are actually 366 days in 2012. Oops. Better make that 29th February a worthy one.
2. I had no idea how much I would enjoy this challenge, though I was well aware how hard it would be in terms of keeping on top of taking, choosing and uploading the photos. Despite this being a little inconvenient at times, it doesn't take away from the pleasure I get looking back on my photosand it's only been a month.
So here are my favourite photos from January featuring photos taken in Sydney, the Hunter Valley, on the road, on the beach and here in Melbourne. You can look at all of my 365 (or 366) project here or follow on my Flickr profile.
February will be a very different month as I will be visiting more countries and will be spending more time on the road. It's also very possible that I will be away from a reliable internet connection starting with my two week road trip around New Zealand tomorrow. There will therefore be slightly less regular blogging and 365 updating, but I hope to stay in touch on Twitter and Instagram and I'd love for you to follow my journey that way. My name is "bushbirdie" for both.
(P.S. Thank you to my good friend Paul for taking the top photo of me photographing a dead shark. Now there's a sentence I thought I'd never write!)

Frances M. Thompson
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.