I want the world to stop...
I've slowly but surely started running regularly again. With Vondelpark on my doorstep and the weather very slowly becoming mild I have no excuses and nor do I want any. I'd forgotten how good running is for the mind and soul as well as my body. For twenty, thirty minutes or more I down tools and Macbook lid, pound the pavement and let my thoughts run a little wild. Or preferably they stop completely and I just focus on getting my now embarrassingly unfit self around a short distance.
Of course, it also helps that I listen to some great music while I do this and this is one of those songs that does just that as well as capturing the way I feel before I go for a run. This is an unofficial video for the song but I quite like what's going on here.I hope that the world can stop a bit for you all back in the UK and that you have a great bank holiday and for the rest of us not enjoying a national holiday I hope your Monday is kind.
If you hadn't seen on Twitter or Instagram, I did some real-time blogging over on TravMonkey in Amsterdam which involved taking a lot of photos and checking in on foursquare. In the space of three days I lost my foursquare virginity, gained no less than four badges (including the Overshare badge - ok, got the hint!) and I started to question if I wanted to maybe continue this relationship. I'm not convinced either way so we shall see. However, here are some of the photos I took as well as some from Queen's Day last Monday. I'm happy to report the orange 'tache has since been shaved off...As the Bird flies is now on Bloglovin - follow my little blog over there. And if you'd like to make friends on Facebook I'd love that and here's the page I'd like you to like.
Frances M. Thompson
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.