Iceland Travel: Street Art in Heart Park, Reykjavik
In the heart of Reykjavik is one of its grittiest, most colourful, most eclectic corners.
It's a place the young have made their own, though it was gifted to them in an above-board official sort of way, one that no doubt involved paperwork and press releases. But let's not let that dilute the character that those who spend hours there give this place.
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This place in the heart of Reykjavik, occupied predominantly by the heart of Reykjavik's people - its youth - is aptly called Heart Park, or Hjartagarðurinn, if you speak Icelandic.
Me, I'm a tourist and I'm not that young any more. Not by these guys' standards. Plus, I can't skateboard. It wasn't a place for me to pretend to be anything other than a fan of street art, which I am.So I let the kids be kids, the cool be cool and the skateboarders do their thing and I switched my camera on and took some photos.
Frances M. Thompson
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