Oh, May.
You were a great month, but I fear my 365 project doesn't reflect this.
After making solemn promises to "must try harder" in April, I failed at the first hurdle and didn't upload a single photo until fairly recently and then there were four days in London when I didn't get my camera out of it's case and I had to revert to using Instagram photos. Oh the shame. I have excuses, of course, (work, a friend's visit, trips to UK and Italy, an earthquake, blah blah blah) but it's just not good enough.
However, amidst the chaos and lack of commitment I did take some nice photos - photos that are technically strong but also have significance to me personally and the experiences I've had this month.
Here are my favourites.
So I guess it's up to you June. You are going to have to help me prove that I am still committed to this project and that it will benefit me not burden me as it has sometimes felt.
I wonder if anyone else feels pressure from something they actively chose to do? It's normal, isn't it. Isn't it?

Frances M. Thompson
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.