NaNoWriMo Inspiration (Day 24): Ten photographs that inspire you to write
I'm a visual writer. I see scenes I'm writing in images in my brain. I struggle when I can't visualise a place, a person or an event in a book I read.
It should follow, therefore, that good photos inspire good writing. Or writing, at any rate. This is the last week of NaNoWriMo after all.
With that aim in mind, here are ten good photos I hope inspire you to tell a bit of a story today. I think each of these photos could launch a thousand stories... I hope you agree.
All of these photos are available to use freely under a creative commons license and you can find them at the following links: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten. (You can also click on these links to find some great places for sourcing creative commons images.)
If you've seen (or took!) a photo recently that you found inspirational, I'd love to see it so please leave a comment and share it with us.
Not long to go now! Find more NaNoWriMo Inspiration here.
Frances M. Thompson
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.