Book Review: Blue Shoe and Happiness by Alexander McCall Smith
This is more a review of the whole The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency series of books by Alexander McCall Smith and Blue Shoes and Happiness is the seventh of thirteen books. If you haven't dipped into them, then you are missing out and missing out badly.
What's it all about? Having established herself as an investigator and solver of problems, Mma Ramotswe is kept busy with two new cases which leave her wondering about people's perception of happiness; meanwhile her trusty assistant Mma Makutsi enjoys the highs and lows of being engaged and having beautiful but very uncomfortable new blue shoes.
What's so good about it? All the books in this series feature warm, simple stories about humankind and human nature, delightfully set in Botswana, whose warmth and soul rises off the pages.
Who, me? McCall Smith is an accomplished writer and story teller so one struggles to not read his books easily, especially as they are comical and fairly fast-paced (many of his books were originally published in serial format) and his books should be especially sought if you feel the need for distraction, calm and a little reassurance that the world is a good place to live.
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Frances M. Thompson
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