NaNoWriMo Inspiration (Day 9): Writing Wisdom from around the Web
Because other people are collating, curating and creating much better content about writing, novel-drafting and getting sh*t done, here are my pick of inspiring articles that will help you write more, right now.
On the NaNoWriMo blog, the title of this article really says it all, and I remember reading this two years ago during my first NaNoWriMo - it was well worth enjoying again. Written by someone who (at the time) had never won at NaNoWriMo and yet kept coming back for more because "I think it’s awesome that for a month I get to become that person that eats, sleeps, and breathes a novel". I hope you know what he means by now.
If you read just one more of these links, make it this one: A letter from John Steinbeck to the Beginner Writer, which is not the most upbeat slice of advice, but it is honest and makes you realise we're all in the same boat, published or not, beginner or veteran author of 20th century classics. It also contains the following quote, which really struck a chord with me, bearing in mind what we're trying to achieve now and how scary a feat that seems.
"It is not so very hard to judge a story after it is written, but, after many years, to start a story still scares me to death. I will go so far as to say that the writer who is not scared is happily unaware of the remote and tantalizing majesty of the medium."
Here are some (very pinnable) quotes about writing from writers who weren't or aren't half bad at it. I love numbers 7, 11 and of course, 24.
The title of this article - "The Book is a Heart That Only Beats in the Chest of Another" - made me feel a bit dizzy... in a good way. It's so evocative and instantly rang true in my own understanding of what makes a good book, really good. (No pressure guys!!) The rest of the article is well worth reading.
I stumbled upon these tips for "winning" at NaNoWriMo by someone who confesses to having "lost" more times than she's "won".
Like watching TED Talks? These are Book Riot's 10 best TED talks about literary things. I love Anne Curzan's talk. Yes, she's an English teacher, but she's also described here as a language historian, which I think sounds like a wonderful job.
Anybody out there writing in longhand? I think you're very brave, but according to this, you could be on to something.
Last year the BBC asked "Does everyone have a novel in them?". Well, what do you think we're trying to find out BBC, in the most painful way possible?!??!
One writer for NPR talks about her own experience of losing NaNoWriMo, and explains to those who don't know what all the fuss is all about. I especially like the following quote which in some ways is a little bittersweet:
"Well, you can see why they invented this project in the first place, right? It's not that you can really finish a good novel in a month; it's that you can spare a month when this is what you think about. Work a little less, go out a little less, order in a little more, let the laundry pile up. The month is chosen not because it's long enough for the project, but because it's short enough for your life."
I shared this when Chuck Wendig wrote it last year, but it's well worth reading again today (which shouldn't be surprising because of the date he published it on last year),
Again on Book Riot, here are seven famous authors who would ace NaNoWriMo in less than 30 days.
Oh, and have you nominated your novel for 30 Days, 30 Covers yet? I have - fingers crossed!
Did you read any good writing or NaNoWriMo related content recently? Please share in the comments. Back tomorrow with more inspiration for you! KEEP WRITING!!
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Frances M. Thompson
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