MusicMonday: Night Bus Playlist (& Free Ebook)
Today's playlist is one you should listen to while reading Night Bus . It's a story about the life and dreams of a young single woman in London and the unusual things that can happen on the night bus home.
And to make that a bit easier, here's the book for free:
Night Bus PDF
Night Bus mobi (for Kindle)
Night Bus ePub (for Kobo, Nook, Apple iBooks and others)
And here's some instructions for getting the file on your phone, tablet or e-reader .
Now press play and listen to a collection of songs that the main character Tilde would listen to on her own as she travelled on the 94 bus, or in her "maisonette" with her uninterested cats and even a few songs she would probably dance to with Ste, a handbag on the ground between them.
I hope you enjoy the playlist and the book! Please do leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads if you have time. And if you prefer, you can still get the book on Kindle here.

Frances M. Thompson
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