Introducing Twelve... A short story collection published month by month.
In 2015 I will be publishing a new collection of fiction... over a period of 12 months. Each month, I will publish and release a new short story (in ebook format) and I will make each one available for free, but only to my newsletter readers.
The full collection will then be made available at the end of the year on Amazon and I may choose to publish some of the individual stories also on Amazon, but I already know that aiming to release each one to the public - with a cover and the correct formatting for each retail platform - will take up too much time.
This project is going to be a side project for me and I'm therefore going to be flexible. I will NOT write a new story every month and I will not set any rules about how long each one will be. I actually already have a few stories written and at least a handful all planned out.
Allow me, if you will to be transparent in my aims for this project.
Yes, I want to scratch that itch to write short stories, but I also want to
As I plough away working on my first novel, An Invisible Girl, I have found myself missing the short story form. I miss knowing seeing the end at the beginning. I miss knowing that I am no more than ten thousand words away from the next draft. I long to work on something that I can understand inside and out without having to consult my notes to check if I've still kept in a pivotal plot point or to verify a character's eye colour...
I also can't seem to stop the short story ideas from popping into my head
Frances M. Thompson
Find Frankie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.